APOGEO [ah-po-jay-o]
1. APO= of or from, GEO=Earth
2. The highest or furthest point
After decades working all over the world, we founded APOGEO Group to better support leaders as they navigate change, inspire action, and drive systemic transformation.
To Support Global Leaders with Strategic Thinking
Leaders today face tough decision-making and communication challenges due to broad social, technological, environmental, economic and political (STEEP) shifts reshaping the way we live and work. They ask for clear, easy to implement frameworks that connect megatrends to everyday leadership challenges — easy, structured ways to think strategically and operationalize across organizations. One of the reasons we founded APOGEO is to more directly address these requests.
There’s a huge gap in what global leaders know will make a difference and what they feel able to do in their current circumstances. In a study of 10,000 senior global leaders, 97% reported that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success. Another study, though, reports 96% said they lacked the time for strategic thinking.
This is especially true today given the rate of change and complexity of issues global leaders face. The world needs effective, audacious global leaders. We created APOGEO to help address these challenges in multiple ways, to work alongside global leaders, to carry some of the leadership load.
To Improve Learning, Strategy, and Leadership Programs
Most senior global leaders we know don’t get directly involved in LnD and internal communication programming — to their detriment. We help them use their learning, leadership, and communication investment more effectively — to ensure their people are aligned, focused, and learning what they need to know to move forward faster and easier together. We help global leaders use learning, communication, and leadership development to unify, align, and amplify their vision and messaging.
To Incorporate Megatrends in Everything We (& You) Do
APOGEO formed after a single business trip in 2017 took our co-Founder, Dr. Rebecca L. Self from Denmark to Boulder, Colorado to Doha, Qatar in the span of three weeks. She worked with global leaders in the shipping industry, toured the offices of the largest group of environmental scientists on the planet, and wound up in an energy company in Qatar filled with wonderful, committed people and not a single conversation about the impact of their work on the region they so loved or the planet as a whole.
After 20 years in global leadership development and learning, the trip ignited new perspective on the state of the industry and her role in it: we can do better. For each other, for our organizations, for the planet. Serving people, planet, prosperity & partners is absolutely possible. All learning and leadership development should inspire people as well as align and equip them with the skills and knowledge to address today’s global environment.
We bring the best of megatrends research from academia, consultancies, and other experts around the world together with the leadership competencies and large-scale organizational communication you need. We call it Megatrends Leadership™.
To Make Leadership, Learning, and Life Easier
We support global leaders so you have clarity, courage, action, adventure, & trust. So you explore, discover, design, build, deliver, transform, understand, adapt, & overcome — together. There are no maps where you’re leading. We all need to discuss, commit, create, play, partner, experiment, and learn anyway. We need to rewrite the rules. It’s way past time.