This 2020 project is an example of how APOGEO helps client organizations adapt to the short-term disruptions posed by COVID restrictions and also meet long-term objectives of making learning more inclusive and environmentally sustainable.


The Project Office of multinational pharmaceutical company with facilities in 13 countries wished to rapidly transition an existing face-to-face program for Steering Group members and project managers to a virtual format due to COVID restrictions, as well as a desire to decrease environmental impact of travel and update learning to better include its dispersed workforce.


The objective was to build a distance learning experience that would include all aspects of the face-to-face program, including:

  • Video micro-learning teach pieces to introduce key concepts previously taught live
  • Online discussions in a course cohort so the interactive piece would continue
  • Delivery over time so participants could implement ideas and report back, receive feedback, build on each others’ ideas, etc.


Over the summer of 2020 we rapidly redesigned the program from 2 face-to-face modules with several weeks in between to a 3-week virtual program, delivering:

  • Participant Communication messaging from invitation through conclusion of program
  • Program Brochure to share internally
  • Two 100% customized micro-learning videos for each week of the program
  • An internal podcast-style interview with senior leaders for each week of the course
  • Three group call working sessions: Kickoff, Check-in during Week 2, Conclusion
  • Weekly assignments to be completed on the job
  • Editable .pdf Participant Manual
  • Related Additional Resources for participants who’d like further information to explore

The client was given choice of:

  • Housing the program on an internal learning platform and managing it themselves or external hosting and facilitation (at additional cost)
  • Choice of 3 different video styles/looks


The client was skeptical the program would translate into a virtual format and that it could be executed well in such a short period of time. It has exceeded both production and content expectations. Participants enjoy being able to train “while I walk my dog.” The organization has commissioned a similar program for another level of leaders — that could be rolled out to up to 900 participants.

The process of transitioning the face-to-face program to virtual & digital has created new learning opportunities and perspectives internally – far beyond the scope of the remit – as it sets an example for how future learning might be produced, decreasing environmental impact of learning long-term, and making it possible to extend learning to far more participants.

Global HR reported, “This is how we want all of our virtual and digital offerings to look.”

The redesign process also provided opportunity to update content and innovate in value-added ways, especially by including senior leaders in internal podcast-style interviews for each week. Since audio interviews are cost-effective and simple to update, these new course elements can be re-recorded as the organization grows and changes. The .mp3 & .mp4 video and audio files can also be used or reinforced by the client in other contexts and platforms. The program is consistent with this client’s larger goal of being proactive, using technology to a greater extent, and becoming increasingly sustainable in everything it does.


*** Update in 2021*** The program was so successful, we’re partnering on a larger more audio-based program for Project Managers across the organization. This custom-built program features around 20 podcast-style episodes with internal leaders to support the next stage of project development. They’re embedded into a learning program that takes place over several months.

For the Future

APOGEO is available to assist leaders as we all adapt to the new normal in which we find ourselves.

Whether you are working to meet leadership development and learning goals established before the pandemic changed travel and training, seek to incorporate more micro-learning audio & video content, or wish to reduce the environmental impact of communication & training, our commitment is to serve our clients during this time of transition. We’ve worked in digital learning for some of the world’s largest organizations for 20 years and are helping to consult, train, or assist you directly as you increasingly incorporate digital and virtual communication into your workflows.

It’s obvious you are professionals at this! Even I would want to do this program, and I’ve attended the face-to-face course 3 times.

requesting leader, Head of Departmentmarket-leading pharmaceutical multinational